The Beautiful Not Yet

The Beautiful Not Yet

I am on a roll.I am doing the happy dance. I have been on a cleaning/decluttering frenzy.  It feels amazing. I can see my workspace.  I know where my important papers are. I get to look at the smiling faces of my kids on the desk because their photos aren’t...


 It’s time to think of self-love as not an extra TO DO but the only one that matters.It’s time to stop listening to the narrative of busyness and instead rewrite the narrative.It’s time to find, bring back, unleash that inner 5 year old that looked...


THIS WEEK’S THEME: KINDNESS noun: The state or quality of being kind Synonyms: benignity, benevolence, humanity, generosity, charity, sympathy, compassion, tenderness In my opinion, Kindness is a verb. It’s holding the door for someone, it’s looking...