Life and Wellness Coach for Athletes
Everything changes with time – our bodies, our relationships, our work – everything.

Are You Holding Onto:
- The idea that you only have one identity and that is Athlete
- The belief that your worth is tied to your sport
- The idea that your strengths and skills come from your sport and not the other way around
- The belief that your connection to others is predicated on your continuing participation in your sport
- The idea that you won’t matter if you aren’t performing in your sport
- The belief that you can only experience flow state and lightness of being while you are competing

What if you TRUST that:
You are an Athlete AND many other things
You are worthy because you ARE
Your strengths and skills belong to you and you can use them in all areas of your life
People love YOU for you
You mattered the day you born and nothing has changed about that
Flow is the state of being that kept you in The Game and we can work together to help you find other ways to get there

Who I Am
I am a lifelong competitive endurance runner and outdoor athlete whose own life has “quaked” from time to time – from family crises to injuries and illness.
Through my own experience and those of my clients, I understand the ways that our identities as athletes involve not only the physical and mental discipline of our sports, but also includes our social lives, livelihoods, and the expectations of coaches, family members, friends, and community.
My mission is to help female athletes navigate life’s pivot points from a place of inner-strength and personal power.

Work With Me
As a life coach for female athletes, I use my knowledge and training in exercise science, sports psychology, coaching, and neuroscience to identify your cornerstones of health and well-being and create a “training plan” based on your needs. We will work together to keep your cadence and find your new stride, on YOUR terms.
You have access to me as your guide, your sounding board, your coach, and your accountability partner as you navigate these uncharted waters toward the life you know you deserve.
By the time our work together concludes, you will have learned a process to which you can return time and again. Sustaining wellbeing is active and ongoing through the push-pull of toggling life’s curve balls.
It’s time.
You’re here because you’re ready for the next phase of your life. And you’re not willing to bring with you old baggage — the emotions, the weight, the emotional heaviness — that you’ve been carrying all this time. Life is a series of transitions.
How you navigate the “lifequakes” on your path will dictate how you feel, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
You are not alone.
I believe it is possible for us at any stage of life to reclaim our strength, passion, health and sense of comfort in our own skin, even if we may or may not have experienced it before.
There’s no time like the present to reclaim YOU.
I see you:
You (desperately) want to reconnect with what’s possible, find your sense of adventure, make friends with (or at very least appreciate) with your physical body, and pursue purpose, joy, connection and your ability to make a difference.
I understand what it is like to feel like you’ve lost yourself during the inevitable ups and down and transitions of life.
- Marriage
- Divorce
- Parenthood
- Empty-nest
- Injury
- Moving
- Illness
- Leaving behind the familiar
- Embracing a new community
I have noticed several key anchors that can help my clients maintain connection to themselves, feel less lost, stay in control (of the things they can control) and make a meaningful contribution to their VIP’s and community.
It’s simple but not easy.
You didn’t get to be where you are overnight. And you have probably tried many things to change the way you feel, the way you look, or the circumstances in your life you find unlivable.
The way to make lasting change is by slowing down. Taking time. And experiencing the choices you make. So you can transform.
This is your invitation to take meaningful action that will change the way you feel in your life with an expert coach to guide you finally feeling back at home in your own body and in your life.
I am a better person for having had Lisa walk alongside me during this important time of my life.
Lisa’s guidance was exactly what I needed as I approached the beginning of the seventh decade of my life. I wanted to hit the ground running as a strong and active woman in her 60s! Lisa stressed balance of the major forces in my life: activity, food, sleep, stress management, and mindfulness. She guided me through my self–exploration and betterment. Her depth of knowledge concerning wellness is immense. She encouraged me along the way and supplemented this with suggested readings and information sources. I am a better person for having had Lisa walk alongside me during this important time of my life.
– Claudette
Lisa inspires me to reach deep into my soul and discover capabilities within myself I didn’t know existed.
Her energy and motivation to seek adventure and to find goodness and abundance in the everyday are contagious and bring a sense of joy, wellbeing, balance, and peace.
– Shari K.
Lisa has the enviable ability to listen and create conversation that leads to self discovery.
How can we possibly make changes or take those baby steps that lead us towards living the life we want to live without recognizing who we are and how we want to live? Lisa reminds a client that we are stronger, both mentally and physically, than we think we are and to not be afraid to push the boundaries a little. I don’t know who first said this, but I do believe it – growth happens outside the comfort zone. Lisa can safely lead you outside your comfort zone while giving you the tools and support to navigate new challenges. Lisa will “hear” what you are saying, you will listen to what you might really be expressing for the first time, and together manageable goals can be set and achieved. What makes Lisa special as a coach is her knack for working with a client on creating behavior changes that are achievable and incredibly fun and exciting in the process.
– Nancy